Welcome! Come to an In-Person or Online Meeting
Become a member. Use our easy Online Membership Form
Monthly Meetings are on the 2nd Monday of the month. Except for December. Our Zoom host opens the link at approximately 6:15 pm. The meeting starts at 6:30 pm and can go as late as 9:00 pm.
Clay Play Days are on the 4th Saturday of the month, except in December. We start at 10:30 am. Online Zoom participants usually exit at noon. For in-person attendees, this session ends at 3:00 pm.
To get the Zoom link, email us at [email protected]. Use the subject line: “Send me the Zoom URL“. We will send it to you right away.
In-person meetings are held at:
- Northminster Presbyterian Church
- 4324 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
- San Diego, CA 92117
Monday Meeting Activities:
- Have a demo/short tutorial
- Take care of guild business
- Show and tell session where we show off our latest creations
- Share new materials, techniques, and ideas
- Spread the latest news about polymer clay classes, conferences,
Clay Play Day Activities:
On this day we either work on our own projects or try what was demonstrated during the Monday meeting. We have extra equipment and supplies so that everyone can give it a try even if they’re beginners. We work, talk, and share ideas.
Basic Starter Polymer Clay Kit
Here’s a list of suggested supplies to bring to Clay Play Day. Don’t worry if you don’t have everything. We have extras in storage and many helpful people willing to share with newcomers to the craft.
All minors attending guild events MUST be accompanied by a legally responsible adult.