Email us at [email protected] to get the Zoom meeting link.
Monthly Meetings are on the 2nd Monday of the month. Except for December. Our Zoom host opens the link at approximately 6:15 pm. The meeting starts at 6:30 pm.
Clay Play Days are on the 4th Saturday of the month, except December. We start at 10:30 am. We have the room reserved until 3:00 pm.
Time and Place of In-Person Meetings:
Meetings are held at Northminster Presbyterian Church. 4324 Clairemont Mesa Blvd SD, CA 92117.
Do you have items that you want to see on the meeting agenda? Is there something that needs to be discussed by the membership? Is there a class, sale or gallery show that you want to publicize? See our Contact page for how to do it.
General Meeting Agenda:
The monthly general meetings follow a format allows members to share information directly relating to guild business as long as they are on the agenda. To be put on the agenda, please email the guild president in advance of the monthly meeting. This applies to committee chairs as well as the membership at large. (Adopted 4/8/1997)
Show and Tell, time and topics:
Members and guests are allowed up to three minutes each to share work and ideas. Sharing should be limited to issues directly relating to polymer clay (adopted 11/12/1996).
Photography at meetings:
There shall be no photography of member or guest work at a general meeting without prior permission from that member. Any permitted photography shall be done away from other members work. (Adopted 8/13/1996)
Product Sales:
Members who have products they would like to offer for sale to other members at a meeting should request permission prior to the meeting from a member of the Rules and Ethics Committee. The product should be directly related to polymer clay; the member shall be placed on the agenda to present the product; a donation of 15% of any sale proceeds shall be presented to the guild. (Adopted 1/10/1997)
Clay Day:
Clay Day is held on the 4th Saturday of the month (see website calendar for dates) from 10:30 am to 3 pm, at Northminster Presbyterian Church: 4324 Clairemont Mesa Blvd SD, CA 92117
Join us Saturday for a fun-filled Clay Play Day! Work on your projects, try out Monday’s demo techniques, and enjoy creative fellowship with extra equipment and supplies available for beginners.
Browse our extensive library, catch a demo, and share food in our potluck. Come for a bit or stay all day.
- Membership is not required for the first visit but is thereafter.
- Only members are allowed to check out books from our extensive library.
- A legally responsible adult MUST accompany all minors attending guild events.